Pest control management in commercial and residential buildings is gaining more intensive attention because of increasing awareness about the infection-protected healthy living and working environment. Pests have been secret carriers of bacteria harmful to humans; here comes the role of an efficient pest control services provider.
Health Issues Caused by Pests and Insects:
Pests like cockroaches, mites, mice, squirrel, ticks, birds, thrips, termites etc are found responsible for causing serious public health problems like asthma, allergies, rabies, and other microbial diseases. Insects like mosquitoes, bed bugs, lice, fleas etc transmit many serious diseases carrying infectious agents. Insects are the swift carriers of viruses causing chikungunya, yellow fever, dengue fever, etc. These tiny insects swiftly spread a range of bacteria causing the plague, Lyme disease, etc. Mosquitoes are found responsible for infecting humans with parasites to cause malaria, leishmaniasis, filariasis,
sleeping sickness, etc.