If you are a Grocery Store owner, your pest control is a bigger challenge

Like any other animal, pests too breed and thrive around the most vital source required to carry out a living, which is, food! Pest infestation has different levels, which depends on the quantity of food present around. At homes, since there isn’t much food, it is easy to avoid pests by simply keeping the kitchen clean, clearing the garbage bins at night, clearing the food crumbs dropped on the floor, etc.

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Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Pest Control Agency

Usually, at the first few sights of pests we try to take charge of the situation with some home remedies or over the counter products, but most of the times the problem is much more serious and deeper than it seems.

Pests enter our houses in various uncontrollable ways. Besides entering our homes through doors, windows, drainage systems, or any gaps by the sills, they are also brought in from outside such as bedbugs in a travel suitcase or cockroaches in a garbage bin. The fact remains that, pests are difficult to stop and control. But why it becomes wise to pay for a professional pest control treatment than getting on the job yourself?

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Four Steps to Pest-Free Office

We all have come across many ways to deal with annoying colleagues at office; however the humans are not the only ones that we share our work space with. Pests can prove to be from little irritating to a big menace in your office. They invade your private space, distract you when trying to keep focus, get in to your food containers, spread diseases and cause an embarrassment during the middle of a client presentation.

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Pest Proof your Home this Summer

With summer soon to be approaching, it’s likely you will notice increased pest activity. Why is it that most pests like the summer season best?

As the temperatures soar, insects and rodents begin to creep out of their winter hidings in search of food, and your homes make a cosy place for them to find all they are looking for. Food leftovers to dark warm corners of your home make a perfect dwelling for them to thrive and breed. Especially for the cold-blooded pests, Indian summer makes a favourable climate for reproduction, due to which you can expect large invasion and multiplication of pests, which makes controlling them a nightmare. Some of these pests include spiders, bed bugs, mosquitoes, flies, moths, and rodents. So why not be pests ready before the situation goes out of control.

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Termites: Are they taking over your property?

One of the biggest pest nightmares at homes and offices are the Termites. They date back more than 120 million years, thus proving their might when it comes to survival. The reason they are so dreadful is because they are not specific to any season, they may attack your property at any time of the year, with theirinnate ability to thrive while getting undetected. Once a property is infested by termites, just by silently eating into the structural components, namely wooden furniture, ceilings, floors, walls and attics, etc., they can make the property turn into unliveable space. Every year damages caused by this single type of pest alone have proved to cost billions of rupees. They secretly form colonies with as many as two million members, thus making them on the top of most notorious of all pests.

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5 Effective Remedies to Prevent Cockroach Invasion at Home

Cockroaches! The only creatures that can adopt change in their environment extremely easily, no wonder, hey have survived for the last 400 million years. Having a cockroach infestation in your space is a living nightmare, as it is not only very difficult to get rid of them, but they also multiply really quickly.

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Monsoon Pests

Monsoon in India is one of the most awaited seasons, as it gives us a relief from the scorching heat of the summer. But as we try to escape a bad rainy day by staying indoors, so do the pests.

While providing us the relief from the summer heat, rainy season also creates weather favorable for pest invasion. It creates perfect breeding grounds for several pests to thrive in. And as they thrive and multiply, they become a source of several mild to fatal diseases. Therefore, knowing how to prevent as well as deal with them during their breeding period can help you and your family remain healthy throughout the season.

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